Tips for NaNoWriMo November 1-30

National Novel Month begins November 1st. Here are some great tips to get prepared that I found on this great writing blog. Thanks, Roz.Year 6 here I come!

Nail Your Novel

Are you making an outline for NaNoWriMo?

We all need different levels of planning. Some writers like a step-by-step map so they can settle back and enjoy telling the story to the page. Others want the joy of discovery while their fingers are flying.

However you do it – whether formally beforehand or as your wordcount builds, these are the questions you need to tackle. (And even if you’re not doing NaNoWriMo, you might find them useful.)

Why is this story going to grab a reader?

All stories need to dangle a lure – an element of intrigue, the remarkable, the sense of something unstable, a disturbance. That could be:

  • a literal outrage like a murder
  • a dilemma that puts a character in an impossible position
  • an event that appears to be ordinary to you or me, but is a profound challenge in the character’s life.

Unless you…

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  1. dirtywhitecandy · October 11, 2012

    Thanks for passing it on, Cherise! Best of luck.

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